線繞可變電阻器 變阻器 - FVR 系列
Rheostats, Power Variable Resistor (FVR)

Rheostats, Power Variable Resistor (FVR)
Token's (FVR) Series is a C-shaped ceramic rod and wound with copper or chromium-alloy wire as a resistance element. Except for the slide contact surface, the entire component is coated with a high-temperature, non-flammable resin. After cooling and drying, insulation is applied through a high-temperature process. Then, a centered rotating adjuster component is installed, which slides along the resistance element and varies the resistance to the desired value.
The FVR Series is RoHS compliant and lead free. For non-standard technical requirements and custom special applications, please contact us.
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線繞可變電阻器 變阻器 - FVR 系列
德鍵的電力型可變電阻 FVR 系列是 C 型陶瓷體和採用銅鎳合金或鎳鉻合金絲作為繞現電阻元件。除了滑動接觸面外,整個電阻組件塗裝以高溫,不燃性樹脂漆補覆。待陰乾後由高溫處理固定絕緣,並配裝中心轉動調整之零件,由轉軸帶動碳刷於電阻線上滑動變化,而獲得需求適當之阻值。
可變電阻器通常被稱為電位器、變阻器於一般的教科書中。可變電阻器 FVR 可作為變阻器的兩個連接(調節刷和單端軌道),或作為一個電位器有三個連接端子。德鍵 FVR 線繞可變電阻器系列符合 RoHS 和無鉛標準。對於規格外的參數要求或客戶定制等的特殊應用,請與德鍵的業務部門聯繫。
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