商用電阻器,包括: 繞線電阻,光敏電阻,保險絲型電阻,耐沖擊電阻,玻璃釉膜功率電阻,精密金屬膜電阻,不燃性金屬氧化皮膜電阻,碳膜電阻,無感繞線電阻,實芯電阻,厚膜晶片電阻等。 FKN 系列繞線保

商用電阻器,包括: 繞線電阻,光敏電阻,保險絲型電阻,耐沖擊電阻,玻璃釉膜功率電阻,精密金屬膜電阻,不燃性金屬氧化皮膜電阻,碳膜電阻,無感繞線電阻,實芯電阻,厚膜晶片電阻等。
FKN 系列繞線保險絲電阻器熔斷特性和沖激功能更臻精確及穩定。并兼備電阻器與保險絲的功能﹐平時可當做電阻器使用,一旦電流異常時就發揮其保險絲的作用來保護機器設備。由於有二用的功能﹐故成本隨之降低。
Type: Dip. Wattage: 1 ~ 6 W
金屬膜型保險絲電阻器兼備電阻器與保險絲的功能﹐平時可當做電阻器使用。德鍵生產的金屬皮膜保險絲電阻器 (FRN)﹐具有高精密的製造技術,使熔斷特性和沖激功能更臻精確及穩定。
Type: Dip. Wattage: 1/4 ~ 3 W
歡迎瀏覽公司網站如需瞭解各類産品及規格歡迎下載公司提供的PDF文件.瞭解繞線保險絲電阻類産品應用及說明資料請登錄 http://www.token.com.tw/resistor/index.html
FKN Wirewound fuse resistor is fusible and designed to meet where applications require high power dissipation. This device meets the requirements to withstand an inrush surge, and also a lightning strike, which is the ability of the resistor to fuse safely should a short circuit occur (for example if the bridge rectifier were to fail short circuit).
Utilising a specially designed coating system formulated to aid fusing under fault conditions – Fuse Aid. Designers of small power supplies and battery chargers for consumer products can benefit from a fusible resistor with superior lightning strike and pulse abilities in a cost effective package.
FKN 系列繞線保險絲電阻器熔斷特性和沖激功能更臻精確及穩定。并兼備電阻器與保險絲的功能﹐平時可當做電阻器使用,一旦電流異常時就發揮其保險絲的作用來保護機器設備。由於有二用的功能﹐故成本隨之降低。
Type: Dip. Wattage: 1 ~ 6 W
金屬膜型保險絲電阻器兼備電阻器與保險絲的功能﹐平時可當做電阻器使用。德鍵生產的金屬皮膜保險絲電阻器 (FRN)﹐具有高精密的製造技術,使熔斷特性和沖激功能更臻精確及穩定。
Type: Dip. Wattage: 1/4 ~ 3 W
歡迎瀏覽公司網站如需瞭解各類産品及規格歡迎下載公司提供的PDF文件.瞭解繞線保險絲電阻類産品應用及說明資料請登錄 http://www.token.com.tw/resistor/index.html
FKN Wirewound fuse resistor is fusible and designed to meet where applications require high power dissipation. This device meets the requirements to withstand an inrush surge, and also a lightning strike, which is the ability of the resistor to fuse safely should a short circuit occur (for example if the bridge rectifier were to fail short circuit).
Utilising a specially designed coating system formulated to aid fusing under fault conditions – Fuse Aid. Designers of small power supplies and battery chargers for consumer products can benefit from a fusible resistor with superior lightning strike and pulse abilities in a cost effective package.

SE_CH-02 充放電設備 適用對象 :材料研究、釦式、圓、方電池形電池測試 功能說明 : 1. 電流量程:1mA/2mA/5mA/10mA ( 釦式電池適用) 0