ZTA 系列陶瓷諧振器頻率範圍在1.79 MHz 至 60.00 MHz。因 ZTA陶瓷諧振器是以厚度振蕩的壓電陶瓷,故尺寸會因頻率不同而不同。所有ZTA諧振器均用epoxy樹脂包封,可用水洗。

ZTA 系列陶瓷諧振器頻率範圍在1.79 MHz 至 60.00 MHz。因 ZTA陶瓷諧振器是以厚度振蕩的壓電陶瓷,故尺寸會因頻率不同而不同。所有ZTA諧振器均用epoxy樹脂包封,可用水洗。
Type: DIP. Frequency Range: 1.79MHz ~ 60.00MHz. Murata(P/N): CSA.
ZTT系列內建電容陶瓷諧振器,內建電容的特性可以免去外部電容的設計,且可減少元器件的數量,增加穩定性,減小尺寸。此規格的頻率範圍在 1.79 MHz 至 60.00 MHz,頻率公差為 ±0.5%。
Type: DIP. Frequency Range: 1.79MHz ~ 60.00MHz. Murata(P/N): CST.
所列産品參數及交易條件(産品單價、供應總量、最小起訂量、發貨期限爲系統自動生成)僅供參考,以實際定購量面議,可依客戶的規格及需求參數訂制生産,請與德鍵電子業務部聯繫。歡迎瀏覽公司網站如需瞭解各類産品及規格歡迎下載公司提供的PDF文件.瞭解陶瓷諧振器類産品應用及說明資料請登錄 http://www.token.com.tw/resonator/index.html
MHz (ZTA) resonator series cover the frequency range of 1.79 MHz to 60.00 MHz with an initial frequency tolerance fo±0.5%, stability ±0.3% at operating temperature -20°C ~ +80°C, and aging tolerance ±0.3%. The tight tolerance frees the design engineers from having to use Quartz Crystals higher cost components and still achieve desired performance and reliability targets.
The ZTT device offers frequency range from 1.79 MHz to 60.00 MHz with an initial frequency tolerance of ± 0.5%, stability tolerance ± 0.3% at -20°C ~ +80°C, and aging tolerance ± 0.3%. The ZTT resonator features built-in capacitance with 3 lead terminals to eliminates any need for external loading capacitors and reduces component count. These devices conform to the RoHS directive.
Type: DIP. Frequency Range: 1.79MHz ~ 60.00MHz. Murata(P/N): CSA.
ZTT系列內建電容陶瓷諧振器,內建電容的特性可以免去外部電容的設計,且可減少元器件的數量,增加穩定性,減小尺寸。此規格的頻率範圍在 1.79 MHz 至 60.00 MHz,頻率公差為 ±0.5%。
Type: DIP. Frequency Range: 1.79MHz ~ 60.00MHz. Murata(P/N): CST.
所列産品參數及交易條件(産品單價、供應總量、最小起訂量、發貨期限爲系統自動生成)僅供參考,以實際定購量面議,可依客戶的規格及需求參數訂制生産,請與德鍵電子業務部聯繫。歡迎瀏覽公司網站如需瞭解各類産品及規格歡迎下載公司提供的PDF文件.瞭解陶瓷諧振器類産品應用及說明資料請登錄 http://www.token.com.tw/resonator/index.html
MHz (ZTA) resonator series cover the frequency range of 1.79 MHz to 60.00 MHz with an initial frequency tolerance fo±0.5%, stability ±0.3% at operating temperature -20°C ~ +80°C, and aging tolerance ±0.3%. The tight tolerance frees the design engineers from having to use Quartz Crystals higher cost components and still achieve desired performance and reliability targets.
The ZTT device offers frequency range from 1.79 MHz to 60.00 MHz with an initial frequency tolerance of ± 0.5%, stability tolerance ± 0.3% at -20°C ~ +80°C, and aging tolerance ± 0.3%. The ZTT resonator features built-in capacitance with 3 lead terminals to eliminates any need for external loading capacitors and reduces component count. These devices conform to the RoHS directive.
