浪湧脈衝耐沖擊電阻器 - RCR 系列
RCR 系列是用金屬玻璃釉鍍於磁棒上面,有著極佳的耐沖擊特性及高溫穩定性。德鍵電子生產的耐沖擊型玻璃釉膜功率電阻器,價格便宜,廣泛應用於高功率設備。

Anti-Surge Resisto
Token succeeded in commercialisingthe compactthick-filmtypeleadedresistorswithhigh power and high antisurge characteristics, meeting latest design engineer requirements and making the parts suitable for industrial, measurement and telecommunication applications as well as for automotive circuits, like Electrical Control Units (ECU) and Air-Bag Systems.
All RCR series devices are RoHS-compliant, and compatible with high temperature soldering processes normally employed for lead free solders. Resistors are also available in various forming styles and different leads for different applications.Contact us with your specific needs.
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浪湧脈衝耐沖擊電阻器 - (RCR)
德鍵電子新系列 RCR 軸向引線、防浪湧脈衝、耐沖擊功率電阻器,採用金屬玻璃釉厚膜及高純鋁陶瓷棒,有著極佳的耐沖擊特性及高溫穩定性。
德鍵 RCR 玻璃釉膜耐沖擊電阻器系列均符合 RoHS 標準,並兼容高溫焊接工藝,通常採用的無鉛焊料。可以為不同的應用,提供不同的引腳加工形成。
德鍵浪湧脈衝耐沖擊電阻器 系列符合 RoHS 和無鉛標準。對於規格外參數和客戶定製的特殊應用,請與德鍵業務部門聯繫。
下載德鍵 浪湧脈衝耐沖擊電阻器 規格書頁
德鍵 浪湧脈衝耐沖擊電阻器 產品網址:
電話: +886-2-29810109 傳真: +886-2-29887487
廠址: 臺灣新北市五股區中興路一段 137 號
