陶瓷濾波器高選擇型(LTT MA)
High-Selectivity Band-Pass Filters4.5 MHz~6.74 MHz (LTT MA)

High-Selectivity - (LTT MA)
Token high-selectivity filters for TV/VCR stage (LTT MA) series is 4 element devices that offer more selectivity than the conventional LT series (Murata SFE).Theimprovedspurioussuppressionofthesefilterseliminatestheneedfor cascading multiple filtering devices; therefore, it is possible to design a more compact circuit board configuration.
Custom parts are available on request. Token will also produce devices outside these specifications to meet specific customer requirements, please contact our sales for more information. Download complete (LTT MA) High-Selectivity Band-Pass Filter Datasheet PDF (301KB).
Or Vistit Token 's website
陶瓷濾波器高選擇型電視機/錄像機 - (LTT MA)
LTT MA 高選擇型電視機錄像機用系列是 4 個元件組成的器件,比傳統的 LT (Murata SFE Series) Ceramic Filters 更能提供高的選擇性,改善假響應,及體積小的特點。
德鍵生產的陶瓷濾波器、諧振器、鑒頻器等壓電陶瓷產品符合 RoHS 標準,可依客戶的需求制造,若需特殊規格型式,請與德鍵電子業務聯系。
德鍵產品 (LTT MA 系列 - 陶瓷濾波器高選擇型) 網頁:
瞭解更詳細産品規格資料及應用範圍,請登錄本公司官網或來電洽詢 :
電話: +886-2-29810109 傳真: +886-2-29887487
廠址: 臺灣新北市五股區中興路一段137號
