高功率高壓電阻器 - RI85 系列
High Voltage Power Tubular Resistor(RI85)

High Voltage Power Tubular Resistor - (RI85)
Token Electronics RI85 series has been developed to provide design engineers with high quality, high power, high voltage dividers for use in sophisticated system.
By utilizing specific ceramic core materials with optimum processing, Token are able to control, very tightly in manufacturing, the important ultra-stable performance parameters TCR less than 100 ppm/°C. Voltage handle up to 100 KV and Wattage available 200W to 800W.
This unique process is also offered in specific resistance values in a wide variety of sizes and terminations. The extraordinary operating stability of the Type RI85 resistors will improve the performance of your high voltage system.
The RI85 Power Voltage Series is RoHS compliant and lead free. For customed designs, tighter tolerances, non-standard technical requirements, or custom special applications, please contact us.
The TOKEN English the official website:
高功率高壓電阻器 - RI85 系列
德鍵電子 RI85 系列為設計工程師提供高品質,高功率,高電壓分壓器,用於高壓、大功率、高穩定性、低溫度係數需求的系統。RI85 大功率高壓電阻器系列,在高壓環境中能夠吸收大量能量,並同時保持無感/低感、及重負載特性。可提供客戶自定義的設計和緊密公差要求。
德鍵的 RI85 採用高級的金屬釉膜厚膜電阻元件,和先進的蛇形圖案設計 (Serpentine Pattern Design),提供理想的效益成本、穩定性高、精度精確、耐高電壓、高功耗的特點,適用於多種測量,分壓器電路和控制功能,交直流或脈沖電路,及高壓電力電子設備。
RI85 系列符合無鉛 及 RoHS 標準。如需高功率,高電壓,或阻值不在公稱範圍內,或特殊尺寸等特殊系列電阻,請與德鍵業務接洽,並取得最新的產品信息。
德鍵產品 (高功率高壓電阻器 - RI85 系列) 網頁:
瞭解更詳細産品規格資料及應用範圍,請登錄本公司官網或來電洽詢 :
電話: +886-2-29810109 傳真: +886-2-29887487
廠址: 臺灣新北市五股區中興路一段137號

若有需求請跟我們連絡^^OMRON G6K2PYDC5 photo目前有12Kpcs還有SST PM49FL004T-3