耐沖擊型玻璃釉膜功率電阻 RCR 系列廣泛應用於高功率設備。用金屬玻璃釉鍍於磁棒上面,有著極佳的耐沖擊特性及高溫穩定性。德鍵電子生產的耐沖擊型玻璃釉膜功率電阻器,價格便宜。 Type: Dip.
耐沖擊型玻璃釉膜功率電阻 RCR 系列廣泛應用於高功率設備。用金屬玻璃釉鍍於磁棒上面,有著極佳的耐沖擊特性及高溫穩定性。德鍵電子生產的耐沖擊型玻璃釉膜功率電阻器,價格便宜。
Type: Dip. Wattage: 1/2 ~ 1 W
SQ 系列繞線水泥電阻器是把電阻體放入方形瓷器框內,用特殊不燃性耐熱水泥充填密封而成。具有耐高功率、散熱容易、穩定性高等特點。
Type: Dip. Wattage: 2 ~ 25 W.
光敏電阻 CDS系列是種薄膜的電子元器件,阻值隨著光源強度而變化。本規格說明書提供了光敏電阻的機械特性,電氣特性,測試條件規格說明,包含 5 mm, 12 mm, and 20 mm 三種規格。
Type: Dip. Wattage: 90 ~ 500 mW.
歡迎瀏覽公司網站如需瞭解各類産品及規格歡迎下載公司提供的PDF文件.瞭解其它類産品應用及說明資料請登錄 http://www.token.com.tw/big5/resistors/index.html
The cadmium sulfide (CdS) or light dependent resistor (LDR) whose resistance is inversly dependent on the amount of light falling on it, is known by many names including the photo resistor, photoresistor, photoconductor, photoconductive cell, or simply the photocell.
Anti-surge resistor RCR series are made by metal glaze coating on the surface of a cylindrical substrate with excellent characteristics and stable at even high resistance range.
Carbon film CF series are the earliest and a still popular type made by breaking down hydrocarbon gases at high temperature in a vacuum to form a carbonic deposit on the surface of a cylindrical substrate.
Type: Dip. Wattage: 1/2 ~ 1 W
SQ 系列繞線水泥電阻器是把電阻體放入方形瓷器框內,用特殊不燃性耐熱水泥充填密封而成。具有耐高功率、散熱容易、穩定性高等特點。
Type: Dip. Wattage: 2 ~ 25 W.
光敏電阻 CDS系列是種薄膜的電子元器件,阻值隨著光源強度而變化。本規格說明書提供了光敏電阻的機械特性,電氣特性,測試條件規格說明,包含 5 mm, 12 mm, and 20 mm 三種規格。
Type: Dip. Wattage: 90 ~ 500 mW.
歡迎瀏覽公司網站如需瞭解各類産品及規格歡迎下載公司提供的PDF文件.瞭解其它類産品應用及說明資料請登錄 http://www.token.com.tw/big5/resistors/index.html
The cadmium sulfide (CdS) or light dependent resistor (LDR) whose resistance is inversly dependent on the amount of light falling on it, is known by many names including the photo resistor, photoresistor, photoconductor, photoconductive cell, or simply the photocell.
Anti-surge resistor RCR series are made by metal glaze coating on the surface of a cylindrical substrate with excellent characteristics and stable at even high resistance range.
Carbon film CF series are the earliest and a still popular type made by breaking down hydrocarbon gases at high temperature in a vacuum to form a carbonic deposit on the surface of a cylindrical substrate.
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